All bus and minibus operators with commuter licences for services in George are requested to come and engage with government to:
a. Ensure that their operations are accurately recorded on the system. There will be an appeals process, to be concluded by 13 September 2013 for those who do not agree with the recorded information;
b. Establish their personal options with respect to the Compensation package offered by government; and
c. Once having considered the options, to register their intention with respect to buy-in, buy-out or non-participation in the GIPTN process.
Operators must have commuter operating licences with A and B points in the Municipality of George or A points in George and B points in one or more of Knysna, Mossel Bay and Oudtshoorn.
Engagement will commence on 1 August 2013 and close on 31 August 2013. The venue will be the Temporary Bus Depot (the Provincial Shadow Centre) in York Street, George, which will be open from 08h00 to 17h00 Monday to Friday. The registration list will also be displayed at the main municipal offices in York Street, at municipal libraries and clinics and is also downloadable here.
Operators must bring their SA identity document and copies of all their relevant operating licences so that any discrepancies in operating licence records can be resolved. All business will be handled in strict confidence. Operators should expect to visit the registration centre at least twice:
• Once to check that all applicable operating licences are recorded and to obtain documentation in respect of their personal options;
• Once to register their decision in respect of those options and provide government with the documents needed to implement the compensation process; and
• Where appropriate register a shareholding in the new public transport operating company.
Click here to view or download the poster with the registration list or to view this information in Afrikaans or Xhosa.
Calling Public Transport Industry Workers
All workers involved in the commuter bus and minibus operations in George are also requested to come and engage with government to:
a. Establish their personal options for future work, education and training in the GIPTN; and
b. Ensure that their names are included in the list of those who want formal employment once the GIPTN rolls out.
Workers in the industry must bring their SA identity document and copies of any formal qualification certificates with them – driver’s licences, trade certificates etc. People registering must be able to provide the names of the operators to whom they provide services, and indicate what type of work they presently do. All data will be checked for correctness.
Registration will be from 1 August 2013 to 31 August 2013. The venue will be the Temporary Bus Depot (the Provincial Shadow Centre) in York Street, George, which will be open from 08h00 to 17h00 Monday to Friday.
Click here to view or download the poster with the registration list or to view this information in Afrikaans or Xhosa.