Deaf friends explore town by bus

Nov '15

The hearing-impaired group of residents who attendspecial church services at the Patria Family Church on Sundays enjoyed an outing on Saturday which included three trips on a GO GEORGE bus – the highlight of their morning.

A friend of the deaf community in George, Elina Nieuwoudt, organised the outing and contacted GO GEORGE for assistance to get the group of 23 people on the right buses for theirplanned journey. Palm Tyres generously sponsored the bus tickets which were bought ahead of time to get the passengers – many of whom had never been on a GO GEORGE bus before – on the bus as quickly as possible.

The group started off their morning with a hearty breakfast at Upstairs at Harrys, where GO GEORGE Community Liaison Officer, Simphiwe Schaap, explained to them how to use the system, and handed out useful pamphlets and brochures. After breakfast, he helped the group onto the nearest bus and travelled with them to the CBD interchange where they transferred to the Garden Route Mall bus for a stroll through the shopping centre before taking a bus back into town.

Anyone who would like to know more about the bus service or how to organise a trip for groups, is welcome to contact the GO GEORGEcommunications team via Facebook, by sending an email to or by leaving a message at 0800 044 044. System and route information is available here.

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