GO GEORGE announces minor tariff increase

Jun '17

Only single ticket bought off bus will cost 50c more

The George Municipality has announced an increase in the price of only one of the three GO GEORGE bus tickets from 1 July 2017. The green single ticket bought off-bus at vendors will cost 50c more from 1 July, thus selling at R9.50. The price of the other two tickets, the single ticket bought on the bus, and the multi-journey ticket, remains unchanged. GO GEORGE remains committed to offering an affordable service to all passengers.

The increase forms part of the annual municipal tariff adjustments and the City Council has decided, after careful consideration, to limit the increase to only one of the three bus tickets. The annual increase that was due in July 2016, was only implemented in February this year. However, inflation and climbing operational costs within the current economic climate make it impossible for the Municipality to skip this increase entirely.

It will still be cheaper to buy off bus

A multi-journey ticket with 10 trips can only be bought off bus and costs R85, or R8.50 per trip. Single tickets purchased on the bus cost R10.00. Passengers are encouraged to buy their tickets before boarding a bus, to save boarding time and enable the system to stay on schedule.

From 1 July, vendors will sell the new single tickets only, as well as the unchanged multi-journey tickets. No old single tickets will be accepted after 30 June 2017.

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