The 2021 school year has commenced at last with all learners returning to school last week. With most schools rotating attendance, the usual increase of bus passengers was not as noticeable this year, but GO GEORGE was ready to welcome the young passengers back on board, focusing on route planning for the new commuters and Covid safety for all.
GO GEORGE communication champions were positioned at all bus stops close to schools, handing out and explaining school-specific route maps. New GO GEORGE superhero, The Sanitiser, provided lots of fun and laughter sanitising the learners’ hands with a toy water pistol while the importance of hand sanitising was reinforced by handing out pocket-sized bottles with sanitiser.
Any individuals, schools or businesses needing more information about using the bus service are welcome to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 for assistance, or to request a visit from the communications team.