GO GEORGE temporary route changes during Madiba Run

Jul '16

The George community starts celebrating Nelson Mandela’s birthday with the Madiba Run from 08:00 – 12:00 on Saturday, 16 July. Certain GO GEORGE bus routes will be affected during this time.

Temporary route changes on Route 56 (Denneoord – CBD) will cut out Market and York Streets from 08:00 – 12:00 and use Cradock and Courtenay Streets instead.

In the direction from the CBD to Denneoord, the bus will travel north up Cradock Street, left into Courtenay Street, and right into Caledon Street. The anti-clockwise route travelling back from Denneoord along Caledon Street, will also follow this deviation in reverse order.

Delays might be expected during the race, and passengers are requested to please be patient and do it for Madiba!

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