Little Goliath’s huge love for GO GEORGE

Jul '18
Davinn se skuiling
Being a champion for the bus service, Divann is most upset about the bus shelters and buses being vandalised and damaged by stone throwing. Sadly, his latest bus shelter also shows a broken panel – exactly resembling most shelters in his area. Here he shows his craft to GO GEORGE Manager, James Robb, who always welcomes his visits.

Divann Goliath (12), an autistic learner at the Carpe Diem School, is not only a huge fan of the green and blue GO GEORGE buses, but also a young man who is continuously expanding his own bus infrastructure in the family’s yard in Rosedale. He makes cardboard buses and stop signs, draws roads and builds shelters the entire day long.

Since he first came to present his works of art to the GO GEORGE office more than a year ago, he has been firmly established as the bus service’s biggest supporter. His dad David accompanies him for a quick visit to the office every now and then. During their most recent visit to show his latest bus shelter, Divann was most impressed to see his own face on several walls and banners in the office.

Davinn speel grootmeneer
Divann immediately noticed that the GO GEORGE office has been reshuffled recently. The single item that grabbed his attention more than anything else, was the “huge computer” on this desk where he immediately sat down to test the chair – totally oblivious of his smiling face on the wall behind him.


Davinn se skuiling close-up
Davinn’s latest handiwork

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