Mutual respect and consideration result in a pleasant trip for all

Aug '19

Using the bus service should be a pleasant experience for all. To make sure that everybody understands what is expected of them when using any bus facilities – the Hub, bus stops and the buses themselves – GO GEORGE has drawn up Conditions of Carriage. These rules are meant to ensure the safety and comfort of all our passengers and can be read on all buses.

These conditions prohibit any passenger to act in a manner that disturbs the public peace. This includes shouting or using foul or abusive language towards fellow passengers or GO GEORGE staff.

Unfortunately, the bus driver is often the target of frustrated passengers running late for work or at the end of a tiring day. Our drivers are the people entrusted with getting you safely to your destination, a demanding job in itself which requires concentration and focus. A bus running late might be the result of high traffic volumes, an accident on the route, a possible breakdown or poor weather conditions – completely out of the control of the bus driver picking you up at the bus stop.

GO GEORGE bus drivers are taught to be courteous and to try and put themselves in the shoes of the aggravated passenger, even when they are not responsible for the situation causing unhappiness. In the same way, GO GEORGE kindly requests courteous and kind behaviour from passengers towards our staff and among each other.


  • Be kind and help the elderly or disabled person, or the woman carrying a child as well as shopping bags to get on the bus.
  • Make way for passengers with special needs to board and get seated first.
  • Join the queue at the bus stop, respecting those who got there first.
  • Thank the driver for a safe trip!

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