Priority seats on bus are for passengers with special needs

Feb '19
Priority seating example graphic

To GO GEORGE, the accessibility of the bus service to people with special needs is top priority. All our buses have specially positioned red priority seats for people with special needs. This is additional to the safe docking bays supplied for wheelchairs.

Passengers who qualify for these seatsĀ are the elderly, pregnant women, people using mobility devices such as crutches, walking frames or walking sticks, adults travelling with small children, or with babies in strollers.

It is required of passengers to give up the red priority seats for anyone in need of this facility, since the seats are specifically positioned to be accessible to passengers who need more space. Even if there are no open seats left, we kindly request passengers to vacate the red seats and take a standing position for the sake of someone with special needs.

Let’s all become part of a culture of mutual respect and courtesy, offering up your seat if necessary, and lending a helping hand to get someone who does not move about with ease, to get seated.

A little kindness goes a long way!

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