The long wait for the buses is almost over: residents of Parkdene, Ballotsview, Conville, Borcherds and Lawaaikamp will see the GO GEORGE bus service turning into their neighbourhoods on Sunday, 22 March 2020.
As far as they knocked on doors during the past weeks, the GO GEORGE communication champions were received with excitement and anticipation, with families inviting them in to refresh everybody’s knowledge and understanding of the system and how to get to their destinations. The champions will be doing three rounds of door-to-door visits before roll-out. During the first round, they handed out and discussed the Phase 4B User Guide with route maps, the second round is all about the timetables and how to plan a trip accordingly, while the last week before roll-out will be used to address any uncertainties that might still exist.
Special effort to take Smart Card to the people
To celebrate the roll-out to Phase 4B, passengers all over the system will travel free from 22 to 24 March if they can show their Smart Cards when boarding. Smart Cards can be bought at fixed Smart Card kiosks at the Transport Hub in the CBD, the Garden Route Mall, Blanco triangle and York Street, as well as two mobile Smart Card vehicles that park in all the areas where the bus service has been deployed. This is according to a fixed schedule that has now been extended to include the Phase 4B residential areas as well.
Smart Cards can be topped up at these kiosks and vehicles, as well as at GO GEORGE Smart Card vendors all over town. Vendors within the Phase 4B area are being recruited and will be announced to the community as soon as they are ready to do business. Clearly visible signage outside these businesses will also indicate that they are vendors.
Support for new passengers
From the first day of roll-out, the champions will be at bus stops and on the buses, assisting passengers and familiarising them with the new way of travelling all over town on a scheduled bus service.
For more information, please phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044.