Schools learning about public transport

Nov '17
GO GEORGE board game

A multilingual, smart and creative GO GEORGE board game for schools, designed by a team of transport engineers, graphic designers and educational specialists, has been introduced recently.

When learning is fun, it sticks. This game is so attractive, creative and accessible to the primary school age group, that the GO GEORGE board game will provide hours of enjoyment while children learn more about the benefits of public transport to the environment, as well as to the community.

Question cards have been developed for two age groups, six- to nine-year olds, and 10- to 13-year olds. A booklet about the bus service included in the set, provides enough information to deduct all the answers.

The content has been developed to slot in with the transport curriculum and should add a valuable practical component to the subject content, the children learning as they play.

The game is not for sale to the public at this stage, but one complimentary set has been handed out to each of the primary schools in the areas currently serviced by GO GEORGE. The rest of the primary schools in town will receive their copies of the game as the service rolls out to their areas.

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