Second GO GEORGE bus driver tested positive for virus

Jun '20

GO GEORGE has confirmed that a second bus driver working for the bus service has tested positive for Covid-19.

According to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, the driver’s last shift before getting sick was on Saturday 13 June 2020, servicing Route 1A New Dawn Park-CBD from 15:00 until 20:00.

“The driver presented with flu-like symptoms on Sunday and decided to seek medical help straight away instead of starting his next duty. Upon receiving the positive test results, the required protocol of notifying the Departments of Health and of Labour was followed and the driver is in isolation,” Robb said.

GO GEORGE safety measures

Drivers are compelled to always wear masks during a duty, according to the regulations of the Disaster Management Act. They sanitise their hands at every stop, once all passengers are on board and passengers have paid their fares.

At the depot, facilities are cleaned daily, and staff members are not allowed to gather in common areas such as kitchens.

The interior of the buses are sanitised with sanitiser before and after every duty.

To ensure good ventilation, all windows are opened when the buses leave the depot, weather permitting. Passengers are requested not to close windows.

“After scanning their Smart Cards or buying a ticket from the driver, passengers are supposed to sanitise their hands at the pump on their way into the bus. They should have nothing to fear from the driver’s health status if they have done this,” Robb said.

“This incident should once again encourage passengers to adhere to safety measures diligently and at all times. It is required of passengers to wear masks, keep social distance as far as possible, sanitise their hands when entering the bus and wash hands after travelling on a bus. We also encourage using the GO GEORGE Smart Card rather than cash to further limit contact and help curbing the spread.”

The Department of Health determines relevant contact tracing and fulfils that role. If anyone is concerned about their health, they should please call the COVID-19 hotline on 0800 029 999 for advice about the steps to take.

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