Thembalethu test drives started

Nov '15

In preparation for the roll-out of Phase 4 of the GO GEORGE bus service, test drives through Thembalethuhave started this week and will continue until 13 November 2015.

During these drives, undertaken in the blue and green GO GEORGE buses, the time it takes to complete the various proposed routes by bus is being established, while the roads in the area are being checked to see if they are wide enough and can handle the weight of the three different types of buses (the standard, midi- and minibus) used by GO GEORGE. Enthusiastic residents and school children cheered as the buses drove past, but according to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, the test drives are not an indication that the service will start running within the next week or two.

“After the tests, we have to go back and plan the final routes, make changes to roads where required, finalise bus stop positions and complete all other infrastructure like signage, CCTV cameras and temporary shelters,” Robb said on Tuesday.

“However, the positive reaction from the community makes us excited and working hard to bring the bus service to Thembalethu as soon as practically possible.”

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