Why pedestrians should be cautious at the bus stop

Mar '20
Pedestrian safety graphic 1

Though GO GEORGE supplies public transport by bus, our passengers are pedestrians until they set foot on the bus and after they alight. Their safety, as well as the safety of all pedestrians around our buses and bus stops, is our concern.

This is the reason why our entire system, including our buses, sidewalks and bus stops have been designed to ensure maximum safety for all road users. GO GEORGE bus stops are planned to be close to pedestrian crossings as far as possible. We appeal to passengers to:

  • use pedestrian crossings;
  • wait until the bus has departed before crossing the street;
  • never cross the road in front of the bus.

Other vehicles passing the bus will not expect a pedestrian suddenly appearing in the road, while a pedestrian right in front of the bus will not be visible to the bus driver either.

Pedestrian safety graphic 2

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