COMPLETED – Cradock Street Rerouting from 22 November

Nov '24
A map indicating GO GEORGE rerouting in Cradock Street from 22 November

The Municipality of George will be conducting planned sewerage upgrades at the intersection of Cradock and Market Street, to convert the Old York High Hostel to Municipal Offices. The work will commence on Friday 22 November 2024 – if everything goes according to the plan – for three weeks.

The aerial photo of the Hub area indicates the location of the construction site as well as the temporary stops in Market and Hibernia Streets. The street will be closed only between the Market/Cradock intersection and the Hub.

Buses normally approaching the Hub from the northern side will mostly continue their normal routes. Buses approaching from Market Street and the southern part of Cradock Street will be rerouted and will stop at other temporary positions.

Routes 7, 9, 13, 24 and 1C have only slight deviations via Mitchell Street instead of Cradock Street, but still stop at their regular stops in the CBD.

  • R2 CBD – Blanco:
    Usually stops at Cradock 563E opposite Hub, will move to Cradock D 516A in Hibernia Street at Kekkel & Kraai
  • R53 Rosemoor – CBD (via Garden Route Mall):
    Usually stops at Cradock 1563B near Hub, will move to Cradock 756B in Market Street (York Hostel)
  • 53B Rosemoor – CBD (via Garden Route Mall):
    Usually stops at Cradock 1563C near Hub, will move to Cradock 756A in Market Street (York Hostel)
  • R15 Parkdene – CBD:
    Coming from Parkdene, the route will turn right into Meade Street from Nelson Mandela Blvd instead of Cradock Street, to stop in Market Street. Stop SERVICE STATION 545A will be missed in Cradock Street, but the bus will stop at a temporary stop opposite ENGEN in Nelson Mandela Blvd.
    Usually stops at Cradock 1563A near Hub, will move to Cradock 756C in Market Street (York Hostel)

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