Buses “bath” only once a week now

Aug '17
Bus wash
A daily shower is something of the past for the GO GEORGE buses that are being washed only once a week now, and with the minimum water. From the left are Aiden Arends, Lee-Ann Lucas and Shane de Reuck who make sure that the bus under hand will indeed shine from top to toe after its weekly wash.

With dam levels still dropping and the George Municipality’s serious call for residents to save water, GO GEORGE also went to the boardroom to decide how the bus service can reduce its water

At the bus depot, George Link instituted several measures to save water. After the first water restrictions had been announced, the George Link board of directors in conjunction with the George Integrated Public Transport Network (GIPTN) management decided to wash the buses only every other day instead of daily. Since the restrictions were upgraded to an even stricter level, the buses are now being washed only once a week.

“Everybody knows how proud we are of the sparkling clean blue and green fleet, but with 91 buses that need to be washed, we know that the downscaling of the washing schedule can make a huge
contribution and will have an effect,” says James Robb, GIPTN Manager. “We are truly proud of George Link’s efforts. They have now also installed 10 water tanks of 10 000 litres each. These are
linked to the depot’s toilet facilities as its only water source. If you keep in mind that George Link has 272 employees – although not all on the premises at the same time – this is a huge contribution to save municipal water.”

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