GO GEORGE tariff increase kicks in on 1 July

Jun '18

GO GEORGE is reminding passengers that the annual increase in the price of the bus tickets kicks in on 1 July 2018, and that trips on the multi-journey tickets must be used before the end of June.

The green single ticket bought off-bus at vendors will cost 50c more at R10.00. The price of the grey single ticket bought on the bus increases with R2.00 to R12.00, to encourage passengers to buy their tickets off bus before they board. The multi-journey ticket (MJT) with 10 trips remains the best buy at R90 (R9 per trip) – an increase of 50c per trip.

From 1 July 2018, vendors will sell the new tickets only – no old single tickets will be accepted after 30 June 2018. The current multi-journey tickets are valid until 30 June 2018.

For more information, please call the GO GEORGE Call Centre at 0800 044 044, or send an email to info@gogeorge.org.za.

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