Masks no longer compulsory on GO GEORGE buses

Jun '22
A GO GEORGE bus shelter with huge vinyl stickers reminding passengers about the Covid safety regulations on the buses, such as wearing masks, keeping the windows open and hand sanitising.
Covid safety regulations such as depicted on this bus shelter will systematically be replaced with other operational information for passengers’ use.

Following the repeal of all Covid regulations by Government, GO GEORGE has announced that mask-wearing is no longer compulsory on-board buses for either passengers or bus drivers, but that anyone is still welcome to wear a mask if preferred.

Hand sanitiser on board busses and at the GO GEORGE kiosks will still be available in the short term but will also be phased out. However, sanitising of buses will still continue until further notice.

James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, thanked passengers and staff for their vigilance and cooperation during the pandemic and strict regulations imposed to protect the public from Covid infection. “Losing loved ones, working under strenuous, dangerous and very abnormal circumstances, this was a life-changing and extremely difficult time for all of us – from passengers to staff to management, and looking back, we applaud every single person who made the mind shift and every staff member and role-player in the operations of the bus service who walked the extra mile.”

Robb said all signage and messaging containing reference to Covid regulations at facilities and on the buses will be replaced in due course. “This is wide-spread and will take some time to complete but will have no bearing on the required behaviour of persons using the bus service. At the same time, though, we want to encourage passengers to stay vigilant and take responsibility for their own health – the virus has not left the country.”

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