GO GEORGE will be making adjustments to certain routes to accommodate the annual George Lights Festival on Saturday, 14 December 2019. Service hours will not be extended beyond the normal schedule.
York Street will be closed between Hibernia Street and the circle in front of the George Museum from 10:00 until 00:00 on Saturday, with the Denneoord, Rosemoor and Pacaltsdorp routes consequently cutting out that part of York Street. The northern lanes of the circle will remain open to traffic, being used as single lanes in both directions. All bus stops in York Street between Hibernia Street and the circle will be temporarily closed during the time of road closure, with the buses being rerouted to cause as little inconvenience as possible. The Market stops in front of the Post Office will be open to Route 2 Blanco – CBD only.
Posters have been put up at the stops that will be closed during the festival to give passengers an early heads-up, while the GO GEORGE communication champions have been distributing flyers with route maps and details of the detours on affected routes, also indicating the location of the bus stops closest to the festival, should passengers want totravel to the festival by bus.
Catch a bus home before 21:00
Residents are encouraged to make use of the bus service to attend festivities. However, passengers are reminded that the last evening buses will depart between 20:30 and 21:00, according to their normal last trip schedule, and that festival-goers should not wait until 21:00 to find room on a bus.
For any enquiries about schedules, passengers can call the GO GEORGE Call Centre at 0800 044 044, or visit the GO GEORGE Facebook page where full details of the amended routes are available.