Saturday 21 July 2018, 07h15 – 11h30
Due to the closure of a section of York Street (between the circle and Cathedral Street) for the annual Madiba Run, the Cathedral stop in front of the Arts Theatre will not be operational for the duration of the race. The following bus routes will be rerouted:
- All routes from Pacaltsdorp into town:
These routes will turn right into Hibernia Street from York Street, left into Meade Street and right into Courtenay Street from where the normal route will be followed.
- Route 56 (clockwise) Denneoord – CBD:
The bus will follow the normal route via Market into York Street, but will turn right into Hibernia Street instead of travelling up to the circle, turn left into Meade Street, and left into Courtenay Street, and onwards as usual. Route 56 R (anti-clockwise) will not be rerouted.
Passengers who need to get on or off in York Street are advised to use the Market stops in front of the Post Office.