Special needs are a priority at GO GEORGE

Jul '18
Wheelchair on hoist
The minibus deploys a hoist for wheelchairs and people who cannot climb steps
Baby stroller on ramp
The ramp on the bigger buses makes it easy to board while pushing a baby stroller


The GO GEORGE public transport system has been designed to be user friendly and accessible to passengers with special needs.

Ramps and hoists on buses

The GO GEORGE minibuses are the first and as yet only public transport minibuses in South Africa designed to accommodate people in wheelchairs and those using mobility devices as part of public transport service. All standard and midibuses are fitted with ramps, and the minibuses with hoists, as well as docking stations for wheelchairs.

Tactile paving at stops

At bus stops, on most routes, bus platforms have been built up to reduce the step-up to the bus, making the system more accessible to everybody, while tactile paving makes it easier for visually impaired people to identify when they’ve reached the bus stop boarding point.

Consideration for sight-impaired users

Assistive animals such as guide dogs for the blind are allowed on buses, and audible signals warn sight-impaired users of doors opening and closing and the hoist deploying.

Visual information for the deaf

For hearing-impaired passengers, the LED information boards on the bus indicate which stop comes next, while written instructions applied inside buses assist them in using the system.

Priority seats

All the buses have specially positioned priority red seating for people with special needs. It is required of passengers to give up these seats for anyone in need of them.

Lend a helping hand

The public is called upon to assist passengers with special needs.

GO GEORGE bus drivers who don’t get up to help special needs passengers are by no means disrespectful or unhelpful. They are not allowed to leave their seats when the bus is in service, and should also be available to sell and validate bus tickets.

If you see someone in a wheelchair having difficulty to board the bus via the electronic ramp or hoist, please lend a hand and see that they are safely buckled in before you take a seat. The same goes for any passengers who have difficulty walking or who are using other kinds of walking devices, or who are for instance pushing a baby stroller while also carrying shopping bags.

Showing kindness and respect towards fellow passengers makes the bus ride an enjoyable and uplifting experience for all.

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