Rerouting due to roadworks in Makriel Street, Parkdene

May '21

Route 51, Parkdene Community

Starting 24 May 2021

Due to roadworks in Makriel Street starting from 24 May 2021 and proceeding for at least the next six months, the street will be closed for the duration of the construction period.

Please study the map below, keeping in mind that the green dotted line is the section of the route that will be cut out, and the red line is the route along which the buses will be rerouted.

  • Route 51 Forward travelling towards Conville from Parkdene will turn right into Rotary Street instead of Makriel Street and proceed towards Conville to join the normal route on the corner of Kloof and Rotary Streets.
  • Coming from Conville towards Parkdene, Route 51 Reverse will not turn right into Kloof Street from Rotary Street but will proceed along Rotary Street to turn left into Circular Road to join the normal route.

Stops that will be missed and closed temporarily:

  • 65 KLOOF and 59 KLOOF in Makriel Street
  • 155 ROMAN and 156 ROMAN in Kloof Street

Until you know for certain what the impact of the rerouting is on your travel time, passengers are advised to catch an earlier bus to ensure that you still arrive at work or school in time.

You are most welcome to phone our Call Centre on 0800 044 044 for any enquiries or assistance to plan your trip.

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