GO GEORGE bus driver tested positive

Jun '20

GO GEORGE has confirmed today that a bus driver working for the GO GEORGE bus service has tested positive for Covid-19.

According to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, the driver’s last shift was on Saturday. “Upon reporting for duty, the driver did not present with any symptoms when going through the standard screening procedures. Upon feeling unwell the following day, the driver sought medical attention and underwent testing. The positive result was received last night whereupon the required protocol of notifying the Departments of Health and of Labour was followed. The driver is in isolation and the Department of Health is tracing those in close contact to have them screened and tested if needed,” he said.

Robb confirmed that this will not have an impact on the current level of service to passengers.
John Heathcote, Managing Director of George Link, the GO GEORGE vehicle operating company, says that standard Covid practice at the bus depot includes daily disinfecting of the facilities, while buses get sanitised before and after every duty.

“Right now, our concern is with our colleague and the family whom we support through this difficult time, and continuing our commitment to execute every single safety measure required to protect our staff and passengers.

“The driver was fully adhering to safety measures while on duty, wearing a mask and sanitising hands before and after every trip. This is once again a reminder to all of us that people can get infected anywhere and how essential it is to adhere to safety measures diligently and at all times – this is what we should do for our own safety, and for the sake of every person we come into contact with,” Heathcote said.

He further noted that George Link had been commended by the George district’s Covid tracing team for the way in which they are handling the situation, being well prepared with everything in place. In the meantime, George Link and GO GEORGE are keeping regular contact with the Department of Health and assist the tracing team where needed.

Safety measures

Drivers are compelled to always wear masks during a duty, according to the regulations of the Disaster Management Act. They sanitise their hands at every stop, once all passengers are on board and passengers have paid their fares.

At the depot, facilities are cleaned daily, and staff members are not allowed to gather in common areas such as kitchens.

The interior of the buses are sanitised with sanitiser before and after every duty.

To ensure good ventilation, all windows are opened when the buses leave the depot, weather permitting. Passengers are requested not to close windows.

Passengers’ safety

Robb is calling upon all passengers to take responsibility for their own health and safety. “While we do all we can within the limitations of a public transport service during a pandemic, it remains safest to make alternative arrangements and not use public transport, but those who must use the bus, should take great care by wearing masks, keeping social distance as far as possible, sanitising their hands when entering the bus and washing hands after travelling on a bus. We encourage using the GO GEORGE Smart Card rather than cash to further limit contact and help curbing the spread,” he said.

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